
2017年12月8日,加州民主党众议员Matt Dababneh(D)宣布他将在今年年底辞职。这是短短两周以来第二个加州立法委员由于不当性行为或性骚扰被指控,从而辞职。 两名女性在12月4日举行新闻发布会,讲述了性骚扰细节,导致Dababneh做出辞职的决定。

11月27日,民主党众议员Raul Bocanegra(D)由于六名女性指控他行为不检点而辞职。 针对有权有势的民选官员和说客的指控恐怕还没有结束,仍然会有新的女性站出来,但有一件事已经是肯定的:民主党再一次丢掉了2/3多数,至少一个立法院目前是这种情况。【飞洋在线:更多信息参见英文稿件之后的内容】

同样的事情在2014年的加州参议院也发生过,当时三名民主党参议员卷入了犯罪活动。我们不敢相信到底是什么文化导致了这种行为,但是也应该看到乌云中的曙光。 多数党现在不得不再一次搁置平权法案,比如SCA5,因为他们不能再以党派的优势来推行这种不公平的政策。 我们这些支持择优录用(merit-based)政策的人可以长吁一口气,但是也要明白,这只是暂时的。 我们必须更加努力,选出更多merit-based立法者。

我们的第一次机会就是明年上半年举行的罢免29区民主党参议员Josh Newman的行动(具体日期取决于诉讼的结果,以及州长布朗何时选定特殊选举的时间)。如果能够成功罢免Newman参议员,那么支持merit-based政策的张玲龄将是取代他的最佳人选。 但是罢免Newman以及帮张玲龄助选都需要在短时间内筹集大量捐款,并且在政治上多加努力。 卷起袖子,投身其中吧,朋友们。




The announcement from Assemblymember Matt Dababneh (D) on December 8, 2017 that he will resign at the end of this year marks the second California State Legislator to resign due to allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior or harassment in a matter of weeks. Two women held a press conference on December 4th, citing graphic details that led to the resignation announcement.

November 27th, Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra (D) stepped down in the backlash of six women coming forward to say he had made sexual advances toward them. While the fallout from women coming forward with details of unsolicited and inappropriate behavior by powerful Elected officials and lobbyists is not yet over, one thing is for sure: the Democrats have once again slipped below their 2/3 majority in at least one legislative chamber due to bad behavior.

This happened in the State Senate in 2014 when three Democrat Senators were caught up in felonious activities. And while we can shake our heads in wonder at the culture that spawns such behavior, there is a silver lining in this otherwise gloomy cloud. Once again, affirmative action legislation such as SCA5 will have to take a back seat for the majority party, who no longer control enough of their party votes to impose such unfair policies. While this yields a collective sigh of relief from many of us who believe in merit-based policies, this is just temporary. We must work harder to elect more merit-based Legislators.

Our first opportunity is in the special recall election of Senator Josh Newman, being held in the 29th Senate district the first part of next year.  (The exact date depends on the outcome of a lawsuit and when Governor Brown schedules the election.) If Senator Newman is successfully recalled, former Assemblymember Ling Ling Chang, who believes in merit policies,  is the best-qualified candidate to replace Newman. But the recall of Newman and Chang’s election to replace him won’t happen without a lot of donations and political hard work in a fairly short period of time. Roll up your sleeves, folks.


1. 绝对多数 Supermajority


  • 涉及到加税;
  • 更改加州宪法的公投(比如SCA-5);
  • 紧急情况下的快速立法;
  • 推翻州长否决权。

所以说,如果SCA-5死灰复燃,即使参院所有共和党议员都反对,它也能在民主党绝对多数的优势下顺利过关。所以,制止下一个SCA-5提案的唯一可能性,就是打破民主党的绝对多数。所以这次Recall Newman的特殊选举,以及帮助共和党的张玲龄当选,给了我们一个千载难逢的绝佳机会。

2. 特殊选举

加州共和党,电台主持人Carl DeMaio,和反对加税的民间团体联合发起了罢免民主党参议员Josh Newman的活动。Newman投票支持SB-1,每年加收52亿美元的汽油税和汽车税。罢免活动短期内征集到的选民签名远远超过63,593的要求,虽然民主党不惜状告大学生志愿者以图阻止罢免,但是加州政府不得不在8月17号宣布签名数达标,罢免可以进行。只是民主党现在依靠其他官司,试图拖延特殊选举。

3. 两个众议员辞职意味着什么?




4. 还有谁?

除了已经辞职的两位民主党众议员以外,目前加州参院正在调查Tony Mendoza,也是民主党,同样是性丑闻。如果参议员Mendoza也被迫辞职的话,民主党也将(暂时)失去参议院的绝对多数。



  • https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/California-Assemblyman-Matt-Dababneh-resigns-12417577.php

  • http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article186689213.html