亲爱的总统先生 –
其次,美国在这个世界上的领导地位真的不可缺少。我们必须以身作则, 尽力维护冷战之后稳步扩展的国际秩序。美国的繁荣与安定也取决于此。
再次,我们只是椭圆办公室的临时主人。这意味着我们是民主制度和传统的守护者,诸如法制,三权分立,人人平等,和公民权利 – 这些都是我们的前辈们浴血奋战而获得的。尽管政治经常是拉锯,我们应当确保当我们离开时,民主制度至少和我们上任之初一样强大。
Full letter
Dear Mr. President –
Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.
This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.
First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.
Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.
Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.
And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.
Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.
Good luck and Godspeed,
白宫有离任总统给继任者写信的传统,但是一般都很简短,奥巴马的信大概是前任总统的两倍。小布什给奥巴马的信中写到 “会有磨合期,批评你的人会变得愤怒,而你的“朋友”会令你失望。但你有伟大的上帝来安抚你,你有爱你的家庭,你有整个国家的人民,包括我,在支持你。”