“Shame on you, United Airlines”
In a horrifying story, United Airlines last night (Sunday, April 9, 2017) had the Chicago police violently remove a passenger from a flight because United wanted his seat for some United employees.
The man, reportedly a doctor returning to a hospital where he had to see a patient the next day, had paid for his ticket and was sitting in the right seat. United simply decided at the last minute that they wanted the man’s seat instead.
Understandably, the man was ticked. So United called the Chicago police, who violently dragged the man out of the plane. At one point, the cops dropped him, he hit his head on an arm rest, and what happened next shocked everyone. The cops dragged the man’s limp body from the airplane.
But it gets worse. The man, with blood streaming down his face, got back on the plane and sounded as if he was begging passengers to kill him.
United is trying to downplay the incident, and blame it on the Chicago police. While the Chicago cops are trying to blame the passenger — “he fell,” the police are now claiming. The video says otherwise.
And now, in late breaking news, United’s CEO Oscar Munoz has sent a letter to United employees in which he blames the passenger for the assault, and praises his staff’s behavior. Unbelievable.
This passenger was assaulted by United Airlines and the Chicago Police Department. And their increasingly calloused treatment of this entire incident is beyond offensive, and a warning to every future United passenger.
Please add your name to those expressing their outrage to United Airlines, and calling on United to make this right with that poor man, and to change its policies to ensure this never happens again.
太不可思议, 这样的航空公司应该被告到关门就对。
差别好大哦,之前坐南航飞澳洲,试过因为一对夫妇认为派位给他们没有夫妇在一起而分开坐而抗议不坐下,结果飞机不能起飞,乘务员一个个地恳求有愿意让位的顾客让位,我当时觉得这个夫妇好奇芭,他们Check in肯定是迟到了,怎么可以这样野蛮不让飞机起飞,而南航怎么可以迁就她们。而这个美联航则是相反的奇芭,那么粗暴的处理,这反差太大了,美国人野蛮点?
Shame on united airlines
Shame on United Airline
Unbelievable! How can we take UA again!
ua too bad
Horrible action! Shame on united airlines!
It is shamed for the united airlines
Shame on united airlines!