
9月7号晚上,加州SD-29区共和党候选人张玲龄(Ling Ling Chang)参加了志愿者自发主办的微信访谈,面对350多位选民和潜在支持者,有问必答,在两个半小时里回答了大家关心的20几个问题。

候选人微信访谈的形式非常新颖,估计大家都是第一次参加。感谢主持人老尤和祝凯的协调,以及Mei Mei Huff,SVCA, TOC和其他华人社团和个人的协助,让我们有机会直接听到张玲龄阐述自己的立场。




1. Supermajority

  1. 涉及到加税;
  2. 更改加州宪法的公投(比如SCA-5);
  3. 紧急情况下的快速立法;
  4. 推翻州长否决权。


2. Recall Newman
加州共和党,电台主持人Carl DeMaio,和反对加税的民间团体联合发起了罢免民主党参议员Josh Newman的活动。Newman投票支持SB-1,每年加收52亿美元的汽油税和汽车税。罢免活动短期内征集到的选民签名远远超过63,593的要求,虽然民主党不惜状告大学生志愿者以图阻止罢免,但是加州政府不得不在8月17号宣布签名数达标,罢免可以进行。州长必须在60-80天内举行特殊选举。

民主党当然极力反对Recall Newman。他们紧急通过一项法案,试图在罢免活动开始之后更改规则,允许签名的人反悔,从而拖延。这招失败之后,民主党又通过另一项法案,再次试图把特殊选举拖延到明年。现在共和党正在挑战他们,如果成功的话选举最快2017年底就会举行。

3. 特殊选举包括两个部分
Newman去年以极其微弱的优势赢了张玲龄,而他们所在的Senate District (SD-29)选区多年以来一直由华人熟知的Bob Huff参议员代表,所以共和党基本盘还是相当稳定。如果Recall Newman成功的话,张玲龄获胜的可能性非常大,这是打碎民主党supermajority的绝佳机会。套用祝凯的说法,是八百破十万!


  • Recall Newman (罢免)
  • Vote for Ling Ling Chang (投票给张玲龄)








1. AA和SCA-5

Many of us came to the US for the American Dream, so that our kids could have better opportunities, better educational opportunities, a better life etc. That is why my parents and I immigrated here when I was three years old. And that’s why I am committed to protecting the American Dream.

When SCA5 was introduced, we were fortunate to have Senator Huff and Mei Mei take the lead on building coalitions to oppose the measure. I was one of the very first candidates to oppose SCA5 back in 2014. I will always oppose any measure that would judge students by skin color and not by talent or merit. Isn’t that the very definition of equality? Nobody can change where they came from or what their skin color is; however, everybody can change their destiny by merit, talent and hard work.

2. 亚裔细分

I opposed AB1726 when I was in the Assembly. I stand by my principles highlighted above.

Frankly, it would be great if names could even be removed from applications since some names would reveal ethnicities. It would address the issue of preconceived biases.

I hope you won’t mind me speaking truthfully and bluntly from the heart for a moment. I understand from personal experience of being judged on racial biases. Having the name Ling Ling Chang, has had its ups and downs. Unfortunately, because of my name, many judge me without even looking at my accomplishments and my record; they wonder if I can speak fluent English. Let me be crystal clear; I would love to level the playing field so that people could be judged not by ethnicities, etc but by merit and talent.

3. 关于她和其他华人政客的关系

Relationships are absolutely key in being able to influence and persuade your colleagues on policies, but let me reiterate that it does not mean we always agree or vote the same way on everything. One example of the importance of relationships was re: the District of Choice issue. It was the last week of session and Senator Huff and I were trying to come up with strategies to save DOC. I called five Democrats who have District of Choice in their districts for a meeting in my office… and all of them showed up. Even the Chair of Appropriations who dislikes DOC ended up issuing a joint-statement with me on social media pledging that she and I will continue to work on District of Choice next year. Because of that, she got in trouble with Democrat leadership for issuing a joint-statement with a Republican who is running in a target seat! But once again, that doesn’t mean we’re voting the same way on all issues, etc. or that because we’re friends that they will support me on everything and vice-versa.

To summarize, I believe you should want me to have a good relationship with everyone so that I can be in the best position possible to advocate your concerns and issues.

4. 庇护城市,庇护州(Sanctuary State)

I am opposed to sanctuary cities/state. Unfortunately the problem is that there is no legal definition for sanctuary cities/states so a lot of people have a misperception about them. For me, it is a public safety issue. We need to insure that violent criminals that are here illegally are not protected by sanctuary cities/state status.


5. 拥枪控枪
玲龄支持宪法第二修正案,自己有枪,而且是NRA终身会员。她喜欢飞碟射击运动,希望今后能参加比赛。她在San Bernardino惨案之后曾投票支持适当限制攻击性武器。

I support the 2nd amendment, own a gun and am a lifetime member of the NRA. After the massacre in San Bernardino, I did vote on some restrictions to assault weapons. Josh Newman has attacked me both in the 2016 and recall campaign already for being too pro-gun and for voting to protect concealed rights. Actually, a quick side note about that. I go clay shooting often and am good at it. I hope to compete one day.

6. 租控(Rent Control)

I oppose rent control. Rent control does not allow free market to work. Free market is the backbone of a market economy.

7. Voter ID Law (投票时出示身份证明)

For. It has always been puzzling why we have to show ID to verify identity for everything else you can think of, but not for something as important as voting. What is even more surprising is why anyone would be opposed to showing ID to verify that you are who you say you are when voting. To me it has always been a no-brainer.

8. 投票欺诈
去年就有报道,过世的人还在选民注册表里。很多人,包括民主党,也在之一去年SD-29选举中临时选票(provisional ballots)的一些问题

Last year, when I was in the Assembly, we saw news reports of voter rolls that contained people who’ve passed away. There is evidence of the need to ensure that voters are who they say they are. Many people, including democrats have also raised questions re: provisionals and ballots in the SD29 election last year.

9. 性别有关的法案(变性人,流动性别等)

I am opposed to gender identity bills such SB179.


10. 全民医保SB-562

Before serving in the State Assembly, I also worked in the health care sector. While there I saw how the system often let people down and how paperwork and regulations often got in the way of good care. That’s why I am determined to improve access to care, keep costs down on patients, and ensure the highest quality care possible for all those who need it. That’s why I have been a vocal opponent of the kind of government take-over of health care (SB562 Single Payer) supported by Newman that allows government to pick our doctors and tell us how often we can see them.

Single payer healthcare has failed in several states. Even the Senate’s own fiscal analysis showed that the cost would double the state’s current budget to $400billion +, which would be at least a $200billion+ tax increase that we simply cannot afford!

I have seen how government works first-hand and the inefficiencies. Trust me, you do not want this government to be your health-care provider.


11. 以民主党身份参选

Over the years, particularly since 2012, I’ve had democrat leaders tell me they would do anything to elect me if I switched parties. Even in the past 2 years, I’ve had Democrat leaders try to beg me to switch parties, and they said my future would be boundless and that they would get me elected to much higher offices. I said no way every single time. I’ve studied both parties and believe wholeheartedly in conservative principles. There is one line that perfectly describes Republican/conservative principles: You give a man a fish, he eats for a day (democrat policies) ; You teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime (republican policies).

12. 在中文电台/电视投放广告
会有一个全面战略,所有亚裔媒体,包括中文。去年选举民调显示在华人选民中她领先Newman 76-6。

We will make sure we have a top-notch strategy re: all Asian media, including Chinese. Contrary to this comment, polls that were conducted in Mandarin right before the election showed I was leading Newman by an overwhelming margin of 76-6 with Mandarin-speaking voters. Also, the fact that Newman’s team was methodically contesting Asian votes after election day tells us that even they believed I won the Asian vote.

13. 当选之后兑现承诺
Yes, I tend to keep all my campaign promises

14. 华人选民能做什么?

First of all, I want to thank you for your prior support! This year, it will be imperative to get as much support as possible. The Democrats have much more resources than Republicans. They will definitely outspend us, which is why I need as much support re: fundraising as possible. That is the first and most important priority since now that they had the FPPC change the contribution limits for Newman, he will have millions.

Also, we need as many people to help walk and/or make phone calls. Democrats have been walking and campaigning against the recall since day one.

15. 有质疑上次选举你自己是否尽力

Ever since 2005, I have been extremely active in every single campaign for every election. I never ever take anything for granted, especially in 2016 since I willingly sacrificed my safe Assembly seat of 12 years to help Republicans hold onto the senate seat. Many thought I was “stupid” to make that sacrifice, which is why I worked extremely hard. In fact, I made it my number one priority to focus on Chinese households when I walk. My husband and I walked in the rain, focusing on chinese households in LA County. Even the last couple of hours of the election on election day, I was still out walking and helped some who didn’t even know they were registered to vote but really wanted to!

16. 去年的收获和经验

There are many lessons that can be learned from every single election. Last year, specifically, I can tell you that I’ve learned that opponents can truly say and do anything to win. I won’t go into details, but it is clear that my opponent has deliberately hidden the truth and has distorted much of my record and mislead the public on so many other issues. However, I will ensure that we stay vigilant and quick to address all issues in this election so that we can be victorious. We will not let the Democrats get away with what they did.

17. 边境和移民改革
支持加强边境保护和综合移民改革 – 这是联邦政府的责任,需要尽快解决。

I share the position of many Americans who believe in securing the borders and comprehensive immigration reform. I’ve heard many stories re: inefficiencies of the current immigration processes which needs to be addressed. This is a federal issue which needs a solution.

18. 结束语



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