【小编:11月8号大选之夜发生了一些不寻常的事情。宾州计票超过99%之后川普获胜已成定局,但是之后一个小时双方阵营没有消息,主流媒体在形势如此明朗的情况下居然也没有宣布川普获胜。更不寻常的是希拉里承认败选之后没有公开露面,而是一直等到第二天才发表演说。到底发生了什么?我们会知道真相吗?Breitbart 近日刊登了一篇文章,据说是希拉里特勤人员爆料,讲述当晚情形。我们全文翻译供大家阅读。文中观点属于作者,不代表本平台。】
来源:Breitbart News Network
翻译:PacifiLink 飞洋在线
“有人爆料给 The American Spectator说,周二晚上,当希拉里意识到她真的输了大选之后,她就进入了狂躁状态,” R.Emmett Tyrrell 说。“特勤人员告诉至少一个爆料人,说她开始尖叫,大骂,拍桌子。还拿东西砸服务员和下属。她已经彻底失控了。”
希拉里竞选主席 JohnPodesta周三凌晨现身曼哈顿的 Javitz Center,某明其妙地对震惊并伤心的支持者说“计票过程还在继续,好几个州的统计还没有结束,所以今晚我们不会宣布结果。”
Tyrrell的报道表明希拉里当时的精神状态根本不可能发表选后演说,虽然这是个约定俗成的规矩。因此,Podesta只好在这个“可怕” 的夜晚蹦出来激励大家,替希拉里掩盖。本来计划出场的是史上“第一位女总统”,还有焰火表演,以及获胜演说。
“她还没认输,” Podesta宣称。确实,Tyrrell的报道表明希拉里远远没完。
“她的助手不可能让她出来见人,” Terrell写到,“她再过几个小时也不会冷静下来。所以Podesta出来讲了一段驴唇不对马嘴的话。我倒是想报道Bill当时在哪里,但是我们不知道。”
“人们常说他们很奇怪Bill的婚姻居然存活下来了;我很奇怪Bill居然存活下来了。” Tyrrell对我们说。
Tyrrell的报道对克林顿一家就像一根刺,因为20多年前就是American Spectator报道了“警官门”事件,首次牵扯出Paula Jones,并因此把当时的克林顿总统一步步逼上被弹劾的道路。希拉里判定这是一个“巨大的右翼阴谋”,目的就是推翻她老公。谁承想19年之后,这个“阴谋”的参与者们再次依靠克林顿身边长期受虐的保安人员,揭露了这对夫妇的真面目。他们手握重权的日子已经成为过去了。
Hillary Clinton Screaming Obscenities and Throwing Objects in Election Night Meltdown
The mystery of Hillary Clinton, milk-carton missing on election night, appears solved.
A Tuesday of catharsis for Donald Trump voters turned into an evening of rage for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic presidential nominee, anticipating the postelection reaction of many of her supporters, began shouting profanities, banging tables, and turning objects not nailed down into projectiles.
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
The appearance of campaign chairman John Podesta at Manhattan’s Javitz Center, and the dematerialization of his heretofore ubiquitous charge, perplexed in the first hours of Wednesday.
“They’re still counting votes, and every vote should count,” Podesta declared to a sad and stunned hall. “Several states are too close to call, so we’re not going to have anything more to say tonight.”
As Podesta recalcitrantly refused to recognize reality early Wednesday morning, Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump to offer congratulations. The juxtaposition of the campaign chairman publicly vowing to fight around the time the candidate privately conceded the election left observers scratching their heads.
Tyrrell’s reporting indicates that Mrs. Clinton’s mental state made it impossible for her to address her supporters on election night as custom requests. So, instead, Podesta gave a rah-rah speech on a boo-hoo night to cover for the absence of the first woman president, her fireworks, and her victory speech shout-outs to the mothers of the Black Lives Matter martyrs.
“She is not done yet,” Podesta claimed. Tyrrell’s reporting indicates that, indeed, Clinton remained far from done.
“Her aides could not allow her to come out in public,” he writes. “It would take her hours to calm down. So Podesta went out and gave his aimless speech. I wish we could report on Bill’s whereabouts but we cannot.”
Bill appeared the following day at Hillary’s belated concession speech wearing a purple tie but, thankfully, no purple marks about his face, suggesting experience dictated avoidance the previous evening.
“People say they’re amazed Bill’s marriage survived,” Tyrrell noted to Breitbart. “I’m amazed Bill survived his marriage.”
Tyrrell’s reporting remains a thorn in the side of the Clintons more than two decades after the American Spectator published its Troopergate stories detailing Bill Clinton’s escapades as told by his Arkansas security detail, stories that first referenced Paula Jones and pushed the president on the road to impeachment. Nearly 19 years after Hillary Clinton imagined a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” out to get her husband, the cabal’s charter member again relies on the accounts of the Clintons’ long-suffering security to unmask the public faces worn by the power couple now out of power.
“In the ’90s, we published several pieces that documented her throwing lamps and books,” Tyrrell tells Breitbart. “This happened pretty often. She has such a foul mouth that the Arkansas state troopers learned a thing or two from her. She has a foul mouth and a good throwing arm.”