🔔 登山失联的华人女生已经不幸遇难

昨天开始在北美华人微信群里广为转发的紧急寻人牵动了很多人的心,大家都希望尽快找到失联的华人女孩Cindy (Dongying Qiu),但是今天中午噩耗传来,Cindy已经不幸遇难。


警长Nick Vaughn说,”这是一个无法言表的悲剧。在这种极端雪况下,这种情况可能发生在任何人身上。在这个悲伤的时刻,我们全体搜救组成员和警察局向Qiu的家人和朋友表达我们最诚挚的慰问。”


At noon today Dongying “Cindy” Qiu was located deceased at the base of a frozen waterfall near Outpost Camp. It is believed that she fell approximately 60 feet through a snow chute at the top of the waterfall (located on the southwest side of Outpost Camp, about a quarter mile off trail).

“This is an incredibly tragic situation and based on the extreme snow conditions in the backcountry, this could have happened to anyone. The entire search crew and the Sheriff’s Office extend their most sincere condolences to the Qiu family and friends during this very difficult time.” – Inyo County Sheriff’s Corporal Nick Vaughn

5月21号,Cindy和两个朋友结伴攀登Mt. Whitney,凌晨两点开始登山。据报道,同行的一位女士最先放弃,已经先行返回。Cindy和另一位男士继续。下午1点左右,Cindy也感觉不适,于是决定自己下山,由男伴继续登顶。下午3点多有其他登山者看到Cindy在下山。6:30左右又有两位登山者遇到Cindy,而且注意到她很疲惫,于是邀请她一起走,但是Cindy坚持要等自己的朋友。后来又有人见过Cindy,感觉她好像迷路了。

男士返回营地之后没有找到Cindy。5月22号上午9点,警方接到报警,随后展开大规模搜救行动。Inyo郡和加州CHP首先开始,随后Sierra Madre SAR, San Bernardino SAR, China Lake Mountain Rescue Mountain Rescue Group, and Inyo SAR 等多个组织加入营救行动,国民警卫队和CHP H-80还提供了空中支援。



Mt. Whitney (图片来自Wikipedia)

Mt. Whitney山顶





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